For something special, order $20 or more of seeds below and receive a "whole lot of love." You will be amazed at receiving complimentary items worth more than your whole order. It won't show in your cart, but get ready for some gifts that you will really appreciate.
Pumpkin |
Mother |
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Father |
Seeds/Packet |
Description |
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Don Langevin's Orange Pumpkin Special Collection. Big, bright orange and beautiful. Seed genetics on every packet. Most are from Howard Dill Award Winners. |
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Don Langevin's Private Bushel Gourd Collection
These seeds are from some of the best giant, bushel gourd growers in the world. Seed genetics on every packet. |
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Don Langevin's 2023 Special Collection. These are the best seeds I have to offer. They come from the best pumpkin growers in the world with seed genetics on every package. I was happy to receive them, and you will be too. |
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Don Langevin's Private Giant Squash Collection. These seeds are from some of the best squash growers in the world. Seed genetics on every packet.
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The Dill's Atlantic Giant Pumpkin Seeds. Seeds in these packets come direcly from Danny Dill at the Dill Farm in Nova Scotia. No doubt, the parents of these seeds come from the heaviest pumpkins grown in 2023. |
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There, you can purchase seeds from many different vegetable categories. The growers ship their own seeds to verify their authenticity.