Rop Secret

Chapter 45

Each contributing grower's answer to the secret of growing big tomatoes

What is the secret to growing a really big tomato?

Ron Wilson
Ron Wilson

The secret to growing really big tomatoes is eliminating the limiting factor. Everything that can limit the potential size of the tomato needs to be looked at to make sure that it is not the thing limiting how big the tomato can get. You need to test the soil. You need to start with quality seeds from a variety with potential. You need to learn how and when to control the plant and the blossoms. You need to understand the how, how much, and when to water. You need to know the proper use of fertilizers. And, if everything else is in line, you need a little shot of luck." Ron W.

Minnie Zaccaria
Minnie Zaccaria receiving prize money for another win.

The secret to growing a big tomato is the condition of the soil. Without first addressing this, you can never, ever grow a giant." Minnie Z.

Ron Chambers
Ron Chambers

The secret to growing big tomatoes is intuition, experience, and genetics. The seasoned grower knows what to do and when. He makes good intuitive decisions and follows up. He has faith and unrelenting will, believing he is going to grow a giant. I like to experiment a lot with plants, pruning, and organic techniques. I make it a game. It's great therapy and exercise too. Good compost and humus are important, along with at least 10 to 12 hours a day of sunlight." Don C.

Marc Petersen
Marc Petersen

The secret to growing a really big tomato is good seed, the right blossom, water, and a little luck." Marc P.

Eddy Z
Eddy Zaychkowsky

I believe there are two answers: one is seed, and the other is the air and ground temperature. If you can regulate the ground temperature to a consistent 75˚ to 80˚ and the air temperature 10˚ to 15˚ higher, you will be successful. I am experimenting with this and I should know more by the end of the 2007 season. I believe luck is a minimal factor – if you work hard enough and smart enough, you can produce your own luck." Eddy Z.

Ron K
Ron K

The secret to growing a really big tomato is loose fertile soil, a lot of dedication, a seed variety that has the potential to grow big, getting the monster flower blossoms to work with, pruning the plant and limiting the flower and fruit production, good weather, growing seedlings that are stocky and healthy, and a lot of good luck." Ron K.

Chris and John Lyons
Chris and John Lyons

After discussing this question with my Dad, I have come to the conclusion that the secret to growing a really big tomato is good seed, good soil, good weather, and good luck. I believe that without a great seed, which in our case is the Big Zac, everything else would not make a difference. If you start with a great seed, then the other elements will be important in helping the seed reach its potential." Chris L.

Paul Huffer
Paul Huffer

The secret to growing a big tomato is the same as growing anything else. To have the ability to read and respond to what the plant needs at each stage of the growing season." Paul H.

Marv Meisner
Marv Meisner

The secret to growing a big tomato is the variety of tomato you choose to grow, the growing techniques you use, the weather, and some really good luck. Of all these, I would say the most important is selecting a variety of tomato that can grow big, and then selecting a blossom on the plant that has potential. After that, everything else will come. If you don't do all of the above, you probably will not be successful, but if you don't have the right variety and the right blossom, even if you do everything else right, you still will not get the big one." Marv M.