Estimating the weight of a tomato
See chart below for estimating the weight of this tomato

Chapter 18

Estimating Tomato Weight

As your tomatoes mature, their growth will first slow and then stop. During the active growing portion of the season, a giant tomato can increase up to 1/2" a day in circumference. At the same time the tomato stops growing, it will begin to change color, going from green to its adult color dependent on variety. Tomatoes, in contrast to most other fruits, ripen from the inside out. You may estimate the weight of your tomato while it is still on the vine by measuring its outer dimensions. The table below estimates the tomato's weight based on its largest outside circumference. This is the only method presently available for estimating the weight of a tomato, and is better than nothing at all.

Growers' Comments on Estimating Tomato Size

"I have measured all ways. Guessing the weight isn't foolproof. However, I always measure. It tells me if the tomato is still growing. It can grow from 1/4" to 1/2" per day. When it stops growing, it will get ready to ripen. I can almost judge the weight by the circumference of the fruit – 18" is about 2 1/2 pounds, and 19 1/2" is almost 3 pounds." Minnie Z.

Tomato Weight Estimates

Based on the Biggest Circumference

Circumference Weight
15” 1 pound
16” 1.5 pounds
17” 1.5 to 2.0 pounds
18” 2.0+ pounds
19” 2.5+ pounds
20” 3.0+ pounds
21” 3.5+ pounds
22” 4.0+ pounds
23” 4.5+ pounds
24” 5.0+ pounds
25” 5.5+ pounds
26” 6.0+ pounds