Anatomy of a tomato flower

Appendix 2

The Anatomy of a Tomato Blossom

Blossom Parts

stigma - where the pollen enters the female portion of the blossom.

style - connects the stigma to the ovary.

ovary - the immature fruit.

ovules - within the ovary, the body which will contain the seeds upon fertilization.

anther cone - completely surrounds the female parts and is the source of pollen.

pollen - contains the genetic material required to fertilize the ovules to form seed.

petals - usually yellow.

sepals - the green petals.

pedicel - the stem of an individual blossom.

peduncle - the main stem supporting a cluster of flowers.

calyx - all of the sepals combined.

stamen - the anther cone, the "male parts."

pistil - the stigma, style and ovary, the "female parts."

abscission - A layer of cells that forms at the base of a fruit or leaf stalk where it is attached to the stem

antheranther removed
Flower internal parts, left with anther and right without