Minnie Zaccharella

Minnie Zaccaria, the Queen of big tomatoes.


This book would never have been possible without the internet. Using the internet, I was able to locate Minnie Zaccaria, the Queen of big tomatoes. We communicated via emails for well over a year with thoughts about tomatoes, mostly my questions and Minnie's answers. Much of the research was done via the internet, which otherwise could never have been accomplished. I found the Garden Web and Growing Tomatoes Forum (http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/tomato/), a very helpful website. The Tomato Depot (tomatodepot.proboards.com) is an awesome site. Finally, using BigPumpkins.com, I located some of the best giant tomato growers in North America. These growers agreed to cooperate in a private giant tomato growers' forum, and over the winter months I sent questions to each of them. We started with fifteen questions, one at a time. They responded, and then the answers were combined and forwarded to all of the growers participating, including Minnie. I had been looking for a book about growing giant tomatoes and found there really was nothing available. Since I am retired, I thought writing one would be a rewarding winter experience as there is not much to do outdoors during the winter here in the mountains of Pennsylvania. I bought myself a camera last growing season, and began taking pictures in the garden. Many of the photographs in this book are mine.

I have had lots of fun putting this book together. I thank all the growers for allowing me to use some of their comments, and I am grateful to Minnie Zaccaria, whom I have yet to meet in person. Ah, the internet.

I am Marvin H. Meisner, M.D., a retired cardiologist, and I have been a gardener for over thirty years. I became a serious gardener after I began to grow giant pumpkins, the largest of which, thus far, has been 1,090 pounds. Tomatoes came naturally and, of course, giant tomatoes seemed to just fit right in. So much so, that I no longer grow pumpkins.