Ron K

Ron Kirschenmann


I give a special thanks to all of those who helped gather information for this book, and who were willing to divulge their growing secrets, including Don Chambers, Paul Huffer, Chris Lyons, Ron Kirschenmann, Ron Wilson, Marc Petersen, and Eddy Zaychkowsky. Throughout the book you will see their comments. Thanks to Mark Korney, a tomato friend, and Mat Fox, a frequent visitor to the Library of Congress, who supplied much of the information about Gordon Graham and Clarence Dailey. Also I must thank Dale Thurber and Robert Borgers for the advice and support I received from them. Without Minnie Zaccaria, Big Zac's mom, this book would not have been possible. Minnie contributed immensely, and for nearly a year, answered all the questions I posed to her. This could easily have been Minnie's book, but she repeatedly told me she just didn't have the time it took for such a project. Many thanks to the individual growers who were willing to share their seeds, some of which had been handed down in their families for generations. Thanks also to the Seed Saver's Exchange where I was able to obtain quite a few of the seeds I grew, and to the Garden Web's Growing Tomatoes Forum, where some of the best tomato growers in the world hang out. And finally, thanks to my biggest fan and supporter, my wife, Judith Sue.

Judith Sue Meisner
Judith Sue Meisner